Charity Sponsor Page
Global White Lion Protection Trust
A leader in community-based conservation

Location: Global White Lion Protection Trust
Reach: Worldwide
Established: 2002
Category: Charity
Status: Active
Member since: August 2019
What We Do
The Global White Lion Protection Trust is a registered NPO/Public Benefit Organisation situated in a protected area of nearly 4,400 acres of endemic bushveld. The land was acquired by the White Lion Trust, which has re-introduced captive bred white lions into their natural habitat in a carefully phased, ground-breaking scientific program. The White Lions have integrated with wild golden lions, and our three prides now roam freely in their ancestral heritage lands.
Founded in 2002 by Linda Tucker after nearly ten years of intensive research into both the scientific and cultural significance of the White Lions, the White Lion Trust has built up a strong and consistent record of creating mutual benefits for Lions, Land and People. Under the expert guidance of our Head of Operations, Lion Ecologist Jason Turner, The White Lion Trust continues to bring to the world important scientific data and leads calls for the legal protection of Panthera Leo, particularly the critically endangered sub-species we refer to as The White Lion.
The Global White Lion Protection Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
If you require a 501(c)(3) Certificate, please contact accounting[@] before you make your donation.
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Our Locations
Global White Lion Protection Trust
Tsau! Conservancy
Guernsey 81 KU – Portion 21,
Limpopo Province, South Africa
Phone: +27 15 793 0657
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