Together We Will Part The Sea And Unveil The Path For New Earth

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Note From Eddie:
Please share with everyone, we must take charge of our reality in a conscious, loving, and compassionate way. If you have any questions feel free to use this form to contact me directly.
Tons of love dear brothers and sisters.
Light Has Won!
Published by Edde BenAbarahm December 22nd, 2023
Hello, beautiful souls, and again, a warm and loving welcome to all the new arrivals here at . I’m glad so many of you joined and took the plunge in “The Spectacle“. The results are amazing. I am grateful God has gifted us all with the assistance we need so much during these biblical times. Without the immense love of The Original Whales, Gaia, and The Seven Founders, this would not have been possible.
That being said, you need to know that our work has only begun. We must reach more people and offer them this opportunity to heal and balance. Your role in sharing your experiences is critical to our success. I invite you to share and invite as many as you can. Since July, more than 360 amazing souls have joined to take the journey. I trust more will join as the results create the needed word-of-mouth connections.
Today is December 22nd, right on the cusp of a new year that is going to be very powerful for Humanity and Gaia. We are shifting our newly realized potentials into the active space of creation. This means we are ready to take on the upcoming challenges (potentials), and with the utilization of free choice, we will “part the sea” and unveil the path for New Earth. At last, we are at the moment we’ve been waiting for—the final step of our graduation.
Humanity is maturing through the experiences at hand to elevate collective consciousness and enter a new timeline. The Seven Founders speak about “Time Variances” and how they play a role in our reality. Time is a complex subject to comprehend, as is our relationship to time because of its effects on what we perceive as reality. The concept of “Time Variance” was first communicated when we were working on the second layer of Merkabas (The Soul’s Mantle Grid Teachings). This section of the Soul’s Anatomy is in charge of the six-potentials each of us has at any given moment (fascinating stuff you will love it). Your so-called Time Variance is what sets the frequency of potentials within your reality. Earth has a limited variety of time variances, but one distinct one that sets the “tone” for the majority of life on the planet and the Solar System.
In 2024, we are matching a new time variance that’s going to remove some aspects of our reality from the past. I suspect that the Mandala effect will increase substantially. Aside from such anomalies, you must know that there is no reason to fear this because it is a natural shift many civilizations have crossed, and there is accuracy and precision in every aspect of this divine transition.
Their guidance is now leading me to work on a set of presentations that will encompass a great deal of channeled teaching they want to share with us. Time, gravity, water, and God’s consciousness are the foundation of everything they have shared since 2022. What they have told me thus far is that they want us to know the detailed workings of our reality and how we are in charge of our reality.
This comes at a perfect time, as the information can be shared freely and with no censorship or worse. Yes, I am aware of what is taking place around the world at the time. I keep close track of the updates about the war between the Alliance and the DS. Very soon, they will all be taken out, the moment God eliminates the dark presence. At that exact time, the Time Variance will shift—the so-called rupture—or jump to a new dimension. All these are correct to describe this historical moment because they each have truth to them.
The first presentation will be ready by May 2024 and will be available to you at various locations around the US at first, and then in additional countries. If you are looking to host, let me know.
Back to “The Spectacle“, I share and invite as many as I can, so your assistance is welcome. First, I ask that you take the journey yourself. After you have experienced your unique transformation, you will be ready to invite more amazing souls, such as yourself.
In closing, I thank you all for being here and supporting our work.
From my Suns and I, we wish you all a profoundly loving, compassionate, and healthy—2024 Freedom Year.
Eddie BenAbraham

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